Friday, December 6, 2019

Rewind back, please

When we hear out this word "rewind", it means we are trying to view back what we once saw. That is the same thing I'm going to share today. Before this let me give a short introduction about me. I'm Vikkasni who just finished my high school life and decided to share and show my passion for writing. Moving on, I have a small short story to share, based on an incident.

Once there lived a girl with precious thoughts and likes. She was winning the world against evil. She had a beautiful mindset, health and amazing relationships. Suddenly, all of this shattered and she was thrown into darkness, where there is no way to escape betrayal, cheating, cracked jokes, friends and life. What is the way to escape this? What is she going to do? Is this the end? Definitely for every problems we face we have a solution for it and same goes for the girl in the story.

Firstly, the girl moved from the darkness through the help of her parents and siblings. Secondly, a light shone on her to show the right path. Lastly, she understands the concept of real life and reel life. Some could imagine, is it possible to move on from a bad past? It is not possible for anyone just like the girl, but you could make it possible by standing firm on what you say or what you think.

This story is complicated to understand because the character was also confuse on what she is going to do, but maybe experiencing it will be more thrilling than writing it out. 

With that said, I will like to describe it deeper about how she has escaped her sorrow and demise. First we should understand the meaning of parents and family. Parents includes mother, father whereby family includes grandparents, relatives, aunty, uncles and more. In this story the girl was helped by her parents who manage to make her understand that fake relationships are the worse relationship. Meanwhile, her sibling advised her for not listening at the first time because her sibling has already warned her about the relationships, but yet things happen according to faith.

Moving on the second help, a light that shines when you need something. A light can be a source for everyone to give brightness such as a bulb or LED light, but here the light refers to God. Everyone has their own believe on God no matter what race or religion we are. Same goes to this girl, her believe in God was strengthened when the might helped her out of the darkness. God is everywhere in everyone's consumption,but we should understand that God is within us. It is only us who cannot enhance his believe and strength.

Lastly, the concept of real and reel life. Both of this word sounds same, but it has different meaning. Real is something we are such as believer, son, daughter or something we are responsible to. Reel is something we wear upan ourself and it is a temporary attire we wear to grab an attention just like an actor. The girl in the story got into her reel life by growing her unfaithful relationships and this made her go through some hard times and finally came to a realisation that what is permanent is only the real world.v

Through out the entire story, readers would find it insane because it is just written, but when this is observed personally, there is nothing much or less to share. So, rewinding this reminds me that relationships are true, but it is that way if an individual begin to realise to live within boundaries.

Hey guys this is my first blog, I hope you guys support this.

Writing is self-discovery and reading is a fantasy 📖+🖋️=❤️😍

Hey there everyone. Welcome back to my blog and hope the day seems as you wish. I’m back again with another blog to share today with all you...