Thursday, June 30, 2022

Writing is self-discovery and reading is a fantasy ๐Ÿ“–+๐Ÿ–‹️=❤️๐Ÿ˜

Hey there everyone. Welcome back to my blog and hope the day seems as you wish. I’m back again with another blog to share today with all you and hope you enjoy๐Ÿซฐ๐Ÿผ❤️

So, this content is fully based on my new assignment for my Second Language Acquisition subject๐Ÿ“š. A very interesting yet deep subject that I am studying. My purpose for today’s blog is to write my e-diary๐Ÿ“’and also to publish that socially with all of you. Even though it is for my assignment, I do still take it seriously in being as sweet☺️, humorous๐Ÿคช to you as you all are my readers. And to add on a little fun, my last assignment based on the Phantom of the Opera ๐ŸŽญreceived a good number of views which made me happy, therefore I hope today’s blog will be fun to read.

This assignment is to share a little thing about us (students) on our reading ๐Ÿ“–and writing๐Ÿ–‹️ skills. It may seem simple and sounds boring to you, but let me tell you this, I enjoy writing today because what I read gave me exposure and you are enjoying reading my blog today because you like the way the story or content is put together. See, both are related in many ways and that is why it is never boring to read or write. But, this assignment isn’t straightforward to say “Why do you like reading or writing?”, the content is totally about how I was exposed or who exposed me to both of these skills. Without further ado, I would like to get into my e-diary with all of you and let’s see what I write in there for you to read and get inspired. A short exposure on how I’m going to put this together, it will be a story that I’m going to narrate, but my diary plays the protagonist in this story. Let’s dive in. 

CHAPTER 1: Me and you

Sitting by the window side, on a cold, chilly day with the rain pouring heavily with all the ‘whoosh’ sounds from the wind, my coffee seems solid due to the coldness being still. My bed is fully made and calling me to lay, but I gaze back on the books in front of me. I look silently at how those books landed in my first look and I remember my story that needs to be recorded in my diary. “But, where did I keep it? Oh no! Did I lose it…and there you are hiding behind those thriller books”, I said to myself. Now come here, you need an introduction in my story. 

This is my e-diary (since it is savely sitting inside my laptop) and how funny it can be, some old photos are attached into it, and a few colorful sticky notes are tagged on the front page. I laughed too loud looking at a note I made that was clipped with a photograph. “Oh god! How crazy I was back then to even write this. And this picture…no way I’m showing this to someone else”, I giggled to myself. 

Oh yes, this diary holds a lot of memories about my school days, how I used to be a silly fun girl, a bully, not so smart, but whoever I am this diary knows all my secrets (but sadly it only knows me through technology effect). If I ever feel lonely, this keeps me entertained and what say, sometimes reading your own sentences with grammar error gives you the tickles in your tummy. “Now, enough of this lovely yet personal introduction about my diary, why did I pick this up? Oh yes, I need to record something valuable, which was the reason behind my writing and interest in reading”, I begin to flip the pages until it shows me an empty page. I do keep my personal thoughts in manual written form, but ever since I came across this website about e-diary it fascinates me to store in memories inside. 

CHAPTER 2: Page 39

“Wow, I'm very much impressed how all 38 pages were used for some fun stories”, I whispered softly. I took my black pen that was sitting in between some revision papers, as I love to roll the pen in between my fingers while figuring on ideas. As I figured to type my first word I thought for a moment “Oops, it is kinda embarrassing to forget the form of writing a diary, but let me see how I wrote all my previous stories. Well, none looks like it has a form, come on let me go with the flow”, I advised myself. 

Beginning the diary looks like this:



Suddenly, there was a knock on the front door and I just bumped out from my writing and noticed the timing. “It is 5pm? That quick? How come I did not notice the time? My bad, I promised to bring Ollie for a walk and also my neighbor and this is what writing does to me, completely forget my reality”, I laughed at myself and packed all my things to leave the room and go for a walk. 

If you are wondering if there is more to my exploration in the world of reading and writing, just continue to the next chapter. 

CHAPTER 3: The cold and the winds that blow

Oh the weather outside is so cold and I like when it's cold and I don’t have to step outside. How bad I am. Well, the cold and the winds that blow outside reminds me of snow, when it does not snow in Malaysia. And that also reminds me of a part of the ``let it snow lyrics, “He don’t care about the cold and the winds that blow”. “Hahaha, how crazy will that be to remember this song during the rainy season”, I laughed while I took my phone to check on the notifications. 

“I almost forgot, my diary is still incomplete. I would have completed the story if it was not for the knock on my door yesterday. Well, today the weather is again compromising to finish my story or maybe I wonder if I will finish by today”, I whispered to myself. 

Taking my laptop on one hand, coffee mug and a pen on the other I headed to the living room and found Ollie rolling over the mat and she gave me a look saying “It’s cold and I don’t want to step out”. I know very well both of us are the same when no one is at home and the entire day is with us to relax and chill. I sat leaning on the couch and wondered how more cozy it could be. Sat my mug on the coffee table, opened the last page I left and began typing my words into the empty e-diary page.



Now, that is enough for today, I really can’t put myself into this more because I will miss this lovely weather. Let me hope I complete this by tonight or tomorrow. There is always a tomorrow in my story…hahaha. 

Well, now the rain seems to slow down. Maybe I shall grab something at a cafe for evening snacks, visit my neighbor to give one of my story books as he was begging for it. “Diary and Ollie, make sure you two stay quiet at home till I’m back. Do not spill the beans”, I said it loud while walking into the kitchen. 

CHAPTER 4: Twinkle twinkle little star, the night seems a little far

The night is here. The sky is black covered with thick cottons, but the rain seems to have disappeared from the night. No sign of anyone walking down by the street or at home, it feels like a pin drop silent. Not sure how fast the day passed, but the only thing that is not coming to me is sleep. 

“Sleep sleep nightingale, sleep sleep close your eyes, ahhhhh-hhhaaaa”, I yawned out loud. Somehow the yawn seems to come to me, but not the sleep. I have been on my cozy bed for nearly an hour or two, rolling over, covering myself completely with the comfiest blanket, tugged by a soft teddy with me, but SLEEP is way far from my eyelids. 

A moment later, I saw a bright flash that looked like there were some fireworks in the sky. This diverted my thought and I gushed towards the window to see what it was. “Wow, lightning! It is going to rain again and you know what that means, WRITE YOUR STORY”, I said the last words out loud and rushed to grab my diary again. 

My study table is straight opposite the bed and I grabbed the chair to sit. On my table lamp and the room setting feels more cozy with the lightning outside. “Never want to drag this because if I do, I will never finish”, I giggled while searching for my pen. 

This is about writing, you are an enthusiastic person to write your story, but the day may be dull and moody you decide to shelf it. It happens to me sometimes, but today is not one of them. 

PAGE 44 AND 45
As I am closing the last part of the diary, my eyelids begin to close on itself. “Ahhhhh-hhhaaa, now reading has influenced me to yawn at my own writing. What a masterpiece to finish with”, I stretched my hands in the air and began squeezing my eyes. I looked out and saw a little star was twinkling at me and I wondered how the night seems long to me now. 

CHAPTER 5: “Where’s the thump thump?”

“Time to float”, Pennywise’s voice echoed in my ears. Hi Vikkasni, I’m Pennywise, nice to meet you. 

“No! What kind of dream was that?”, I woke up from the sleep rushingly. The clown was super close to my face and wondered why? 

“Sweetie aren’t you going out to meet your friend?’, my mom’s voice passes through the room walls. I just realized the time was 2 hours earlier than the time I scheduled it. I told my mother that I will be out in another 30 minutes. Made my bed, headed to the shower, quickly got dressed and noticed my room window was misty, so it rained through the night once I was done with my writing. Packed my bags with my story book, diary(the laptop, basically), sticky notes, a pen, phone charger, wallet and other utensils I need. Since my father is dropping me at the cafe on his way to meet his friend, I am not taking any public transport.

Walked out of the room a little messy and I noticed Ollie staring at me. Sat by her side, tickled her tummy and I said, “You are with mommy today and be a good girl, I’m sure you are not going to tell anyone that I was awake until 1 in the morning”. My thoughts were interrupted when Ollie barked and my mother noticed I was out of the room. 

“Take your breakfast sweetie and don’t make papa wait for you”, mom said while preparing my breakfast. I had breakfast with my family, last checked up and walked down the stairs with my father. Headed to our car and as I sat in the front seat and noticed the time was earlier than I told my friend to be there, so the diary is all mine at the cafe. 

As we were passing another neighborhood, my father asked me what was inside my bag as it looked heavy. “It is my thump thump papa”, I said while searching for my laptop. Where’s the thump thump? 

“Isn’t that a dialogue from the Pirates of the Caribbean movie?” Papa watches all these movies with me and by humor he remembers this dialogue. “Oh I call my laptop thump thump as it has the website known as e-diary and that internet diary contains a lot of my personal stuff, therefore this laptop symbolizes my heart beat, not sure why”, I gave a creaky look on the face. The moment we wanted to continue our story, papa told me that we were at our destination and he told me “make sure your thump thump is safe”, as he pointed down my leg, THE LAPTOP FELL DOWN. 

Told you, it is my thump thump and not satisfying to look at it below my feet. Grabbed in my hand, opened the car door, said bye bye to papa and I walked to the cafe. 


This cafe is always busy, but today it seems quiet as the weather made everyone stay at home. I found a table near the window, opposite the barista. I know Syahirah was working today as it is Saturday. She is normally on the same shift and she is also my very good friend. Gives the best ‘cafe hospitality’ to all the customers and most of us know her. She walked straight to me, made a joke of the day, took my order and my other friends order and left the table. 

The smell of coffee, peaceful setting with retro set up, chilly morning, and a wonderful quote on the cafe board 'I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book’. A beautiful quote by J K Rowling. Isn’t that a coincidence to my reading passion? I took out my thump thump, placed it on the table, on the laptop, headed to the website and the right moment came when the coffee was served. 

PAGE 46 AND 47
Just the moment I have finished the last sentence, my friend walks in from my back, taps me on the shoulder. I looked at her and smiled with satisfaction that I have chosen to be an educator not because it is fun, but a purpose to serve in the education system. She began cracking jokes as I exited the e-diary website, closed my thump thump and kept it inside my bag. 

My days of sharing my stories for reading and writing seems very me. Hope to share more again in future. “A book is a gift you can open again and again”, Garrison Keillor. And that gift is always to open and see the future. 

Now that was the final part of today’s blog everyone. Hope it was nice to read my assignment in a blog form and till I see you next, if you like this blog, do read, share and comment below. Thank you and take care everyone❤️

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Writing is self-discovery and reading is a fantasy ๐Ÿ“–+๐Ÿ–‹️=❤️๐Ÿ˜

Hey there everyone. Welcome back to my blog and hope the day seems as you wish. I’m back again with another blog to share today with all you...