Thursday, January 30, 2020

Child's childhood

Good morning and happy month of January. I'm Vikkasni and I have something to share about. Before growing up to a successful life, every individual has their own story of childhood and it is not the same as other children. Back in 90's every children grew up with their mother, who will be a housewife or grandparents, but nowadays children are growing up under a day care house which means, a member will look after the child. Why this has matter me? Being a human we should take the liberty to be involved in social issues and that is how I feel currently about children's having the worst and unexpected childhood. With that said, I will like to share the circumstances face by a child growing up in a day care house. This has not been my experience, but I do get information from others around me. Firstly, in day care house a child would do its work on its own, but the member of the day care will always ask for the child's help and this may bring to the child's lack of focusing on what it has to focus on. Yes, I agree that I should not talk nonsense, but the fact is the member of the day care is paid to look after an individuals child instead ordering in doing their work. I meant "their" as the day care member. Parents do believe that the member in the day care will also teach some good values and behaviors, but the child is not in a proper care. I do emphasis on this statement because they are trained to watch drama, violent movies and etc. Therefor, the child applies its behavior at school or home or even in the public. When a child does this, the society begins to blame the parents, but the fact is there is a hidden truth behind. I also won't take the full responsibility in blaming the member of the day care, I also refer that a child's behavior reflects to their parents. Parents should always keep up with the child's progress, so the child will not cross its limit. I will also refer to the phrase "trained to watch drama, violent movies", this has become the trend because whatever the member of the day care wants to watch, the person watch it with a loud sound system which effects the hearing system of a child and it causes a curiosity in the child to watch the movie or drama. Yes, you can ask the child to watch anything, but it should have age restriction. I never came up to this blog to speak bad about day care members, I have came to this blog to share one of a incident in a child's childhood and one of it is growing apart from busy parents. Thank you so much.

Writing is self-discovery and reading is a fantasy 📖+🖋️=❤️😍

Hey there everyone. Welcome back to my blog and hope the day seems as you wish. I’m back again with another blog to share today with all you...