Thursday, October 22, 2020



Hi friends. Welcome back to my blog page and I’m sorry for not updating anything here for the past 3 months because I was looking for content to post in my blog. I hope this pandemic has never consumed you into boredomπŸ€— and makes sure to be safe and healthy. Anyways, I’m back with another interesting story, but this time it is not something related to fun facts instead a story that melts my heart.  ❤️😭

I received an amazing email from my mother regarding a lioness and baby baboon. I was not interested in reading that because I assumed it would be about the lioness attacking the baby baboon. For a while the email was just kept in my inbox and by the evening I decided to take the courageπŸ’ͺ to read the article but I could not believe my eyes on what I was reading. The story was touching and it could relate ourselves in it and at that moment I decided it would be a great content to put it here and state something vital.

Before really touching on why I’m here, I wish to recite the story. Wildlife photographer, Evan Schiller and his wife Lisa Holzwarth experienced a baby baboon running for its life from a lioness which was fierce, hungry and delighted on looking at its prey. As it was a baby baboon, it could not run as fast as the mother baboon, but it tried its best to climb a tree nearby when the lioness was already beside it looking at the baby baboon. 

Fright has consumed the baboon, but to our surprise the lioness did not eat or attack the baby baboon instead it looked at it with pity and decided to protect the baby baboon from other predators. Isn’t it shocking? I felt curious about what is going to happen and the next plot really made me tear down. The lioness protected the baby baboon by settling it in front of its two legs and giving it hope that no other predator could touch it “as a mother lion protecting its cub from evil.’’πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘§‍πŸ‘§ What can we conclude here? 

We can say that the lioness is caring, but that is not the exact feeling the baby baboon showed because it was still frightened. A moment later, the baby baboon felt safe and it cuddled the lioness just like how “it would cuddle its mother’’. Isn’t that sweet to hear? A predator should be eating its prey, but here it was in reverse. The lioness kept its position just like a mother to protect the baby baboon which got separated from its mother and even chased away other lions which tried to attack the baby baboon. 

I conclude this story by saying that nowadays we all can’t find true love in our loved ones, but being a wild animal the lioness could show some sympathy towards the baby baboon. We currently live in a world where adopted mothers or caretakers abuse and hurt their childrens who are supposed to be their responsibility. This is because only our birth mother can ever show us love, care, sympathy and give us the protection that we need. In this story, the lioness is not the birth mother to the baboon, but it showed a true love a mother could give. That is the major difference we could find between human and animal.

I feel this story could be related to my readers because you can’t find someone like your mother. Give a moment to think if there is someone else trying to replace your mother, would that person be like the lioness? If no, appreciate your mother for her love and not only mother, fathers are also a part in our life for us to appreciate. I hope this story really brings an impact for us to change on the way we behave and treat our parents. Thank you and if you like this blog, please do like, share, comment and follow my blog only if you are interested πŸ™‚ Have a nice day.

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Writing is self-discovery and reading is a fantasy πŸ“–+πŸ–‹️=❤️😍

Hey there everyone. Welcome back to my blog and hope the day seems as you wish. I’m back again with another blog to share today with all you...