Thursday, May 21, 2020

Multitask like a pro ๐Ÿ˜‰

Good morning friends. I hope all of you are doing good and I wish the day to start happy. Today will be another Thursday blog and I'm here with a new topic about how do you multitask? I'm aware that all of you know what is multitasking, you could handle more than one thing at a time. Have you ever tried? From my suggestion, I have never take the risk because it sounds terrific and horrible, but that does not mean I should not give a try, isn't it. The best experience is to try and that is how you give a review about it. Therefore, multitasking sounds hard, but I'm gonna make it easy by sharing 7 effective ways to multitask like a pro. If you think you are capable of multitasking, than don't delay your moment try this 7 ways to make your job easy and simple.

(1) Work on one thing at a time, but ALTERNATE
      * alternate between 2 taks by working on one at a time

(2) Layer the right kinds of tasks together
      * layering tasks with other complementing tasks
      •example: do your laundry while listening to music๐ŸŽถ
(3) Keep a list of tasks with you
      * have a to-do list
      * keeping a list of tasks with you is a handy way to track your progress

(4) Limit yourself to only 2 big tasks at once
     * work on only 2 high- priority tasks at a time
     * begin with the ones that have the earliest deadlines

(5) Say goodbye๐Ÿ‘‹ to distraction
      * only the work essentials should be on your WORKBOARD
      * mute, silence and eliminate all distraction

(6) Allow for extra time
      * give yourself to wiggle room to complete them

      * multitask only when you're at your most alert
      * SCHEDULE a short 5- minute BREAK!!

Hope this might help all of you to multitask like a pro ๐Ÿ˜. Have a great day ahead and see you'll back with another blog next week. And yes, if you are interested in this blog leave a comment down๐Ÿ‘‡ and that really makes me feel happy. Take care and stay safe. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Feel good always

Good morning friends. Today will be another Thursday of the month and I'm back with another blog. So, how are you guys doing after this MCO with SOP's has been introduced in our country? Good? Well I don't think all feel the same way because I don't neither๐Ÿ˜. Anyways, it is the government's decision and we have to obey it. Without further exaggeration about the government decisions, I'm here to share about how to feel good in 7 ways to prevent your mental health from being bored and upset. I'm aware that I have shared about mental affected health in my last blog, but today's blog is not to touch your mental health directly, but to help the emotion state to be good.

Therefore, let's dive into the 7 ways to feel good:

[1] Never criticise yourself
      • Don't advertise your faults instead speak well of yourself.

[2] Separate your behaviour from yourself
      • When you make a mistake be sure to say, "I made a mistake" and not "I am a mistake".
      • Don't hurt your feelings from your act.

[3] Give more compliments
      • Start a healthy relationship by complementing someone, therefore you feel good about that person.

[4] Accept compliments
      • Receive others' compliments as a gift
      • You might make the person happy if you accept the compliments and you might also be the reason for their happiness on that day๐Ÿ˜‰

[5] Continually play movies in your mind of how you want to be
     • If you repeatedly play movies of yourself as confident, happy, and successful, you will become more like that.
*Try to be like Mother Teresa(think positive)
[6] Get good ideas everyday
     •We feel happy and productive on doing something good and it makes us feel overwhelmed about our day.

[7] Spend time with positive people
     *Very important ๐Ÿ˜Š
     • Positive people makes you feel good.
     *Family is the best positive people❤️
  *Or friends could be positive too๐Ÿค—

Well friends this are the 7 ways to feel good and to start your day ahead. I'm sure if you try this 7 ways it might change your inner thought about being positive, strong and good. Till than, I will be back for another blog next week and hope to see how you guys share this blog and leave a comment down. Thank you for the support and love. See ya๐Ÿ’•

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Quarantine Survival

Good morning fellow friends. Today will be Thursday and right before that, I will like to wish a Happy Wesak Day to my Buddhism friends out there. As you guys know I am back with another blog today. We are still in the same circle which is, Lockdown, but the Malaysian Government has decided to set free for this lockdown at the moment starting May 4. Eventhough it has been set free, still some of us are under the pressure, but do you know what it is? Some of you are not able to say if you are mentally affected or not, therefore today's blog will be there to support your questions. I'm here to share with all of you about the "6 Signs Your Mental Health Is Being Affected By The Quarantine"

Let's dive into it:๐Ÿค—
{1} You feel great loneliness
     • You are lack of physical intimacy
     * It's not wrong to be lonely for a moment, but do not include that as an activity. Try to find help

{2} You experience symptoms of anxiety
     • Reading news about death and Covid-19, may increase paranoia
     •Take sometime to manage your news intake
      * Every genre of news needs break

{3} You are demotivated and don't feel like doing anything productive 
     • Forcing to do a productive thing is not going to mend your mental health
     • Start small by tidying up your room
     • Create a to-do list
     • Be motivated by someone

{4} You are exhausted by your emotional quota
     • Having low moods for a long period of time can lead to sadness, so avoid it
     • Mitigate your blue feelings by keeping yourself occupied with healthy actions
     • Cheer yourself, "I'm fine"

{5} There is an increased use of substance
      • It can trigger feelings of depression and hopelessness
     • Engage in healthy and relaxing activities to keep your stress at bay
     • Reduce caffeine drinks, coffee or tea and avoid alcohol

{6} You are not getting enough sleep
       • Sleeping in mid-morning and getting up in the afternoon, disturbs your sleeping pattern
      *Research says that prolonged insomnia can lead to mood irritability, depression, as well as physical health defects. 

Well this is my help for those of you who really need help during this horrible pandemic. I would like to say that start your day with something positive, therefore it gives a better result for the rest of your day. Stay strong and healthy. Let's hope for the best. Thank you for reading this till the end and I really will appreciate if you guys read this, share it with your beloved one's and leave a comment down. Have a nice day.

Writing is self-discovery and reading is a fantasy ๐Ÿ“–+๐Ÿ–‹️=❤️๐Ÿ˜

Hey there everyone. Welcome back to my blog and hope the day seems as you wish. I’m back again with another blog to share today with all you...