Friday, June 19, 2020

Family πŸ‘¨‍πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘§‍πŸ‘§

Good afternoon friends. I guess it has been quite late for me to start this blog, but as I always say I would never forget in giving all of you the fun facts. With that said, I'm here today with an interesting blog about something that we are attached with. Something that we might miss if we are far or sometimes it's best approached as FAMILY!! 
Yes, family is not something instead they are someone 😊. Everyone says a family is consists of father, mother, siblings, grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousins. But according to me, I only consider my parents and sibling as my family. Isn't that too much to say, but I'm all fine to share this thought with my readers😁

Well getting back to the topic, I have something to say before I really dive into the main gist. Family is  known as the best therapy for all your ups and downs. When I say therapy do not expect they give you a massage, but they give you love, care, support, possiblity and etc. They hold you just like the soil that holds a plant, therefore you won't fall for the wrong deeds. They also sacrifices their happiness to see us happy. They also hide their sorrows, so we should not feel the pain too. Isn't that touchingπŸ˜₯ 

I'm here today as a person to share fun facts with all of you because of the motivation my family gave me to persuade this blog, therefore let's learn the "8 Ways To Show Appreciation To Your Family."
*Remember you could include anyone as your family ❤️

Let's dive into it:-
(1) Cook them a delicious, healthy meal
      • a meal that says you appreciate them from bottom of your heart 
      • a meal that they like the most 
(2) Help around the house
      • they would need help with their daily chores, but they won't ask you
      • you should be able to understand what they needπŸ€—
(3) Spend time with them 
      • during this Covid-19, I guess all of you would have spend time with your family
     • try to do that more often

(4) Share a fond memory with them
      • maybe a photograph to remind you of the moments
      • always keep them to cherish the happy days

(5) Tell them how you feel
       • a little story time to share your feelings with them
       • it makes them better from the sorrows

(6) Play a game together
      • a game that you played with them once upon time[ before you grew big ]
      • a game that takes a long time to finish, therefore you get to share their smile

(7) Surprise them with their favourite desserts
     • they do what you ask and now it's your turn to give the better presentation on their favourite desserts
(8) Thank them
      • maybe by thanking them will not heal some pain, but it could dress the wounds
      • always hug and kiss them to show your love and the way of thanking them

Here you go friends. Those who have been stuck with an idea to appreciate your parents, maybe this could make you start it with no hesitation. Feel free to show them love because they are your first love and no one else could exchange that place. Love your family and always appreciate them till the end. If you like today's blog, please do like, share and comment in the section below. I have made few changes in the settings for all my readers to comment and one last thing is if you are interested in my blogs, do follow me only if you are interested. Thank you πŸ’•❤️πŸ’•

1 comment:

Writing is self-discovery and reading is a fantasy πŸ“–+πŸ–‹️=❤️😍

Hey there everyone. Welcome back to my blog and hope the day seems as you wish. I’m back again with another blog to share today with all you...