Thursday, December 3, 2020



Good morning dear readers. It feels just like the beginning of the year, but it's December which means the end of 2020.🥳 What can I say?🤔 If I'm writing this that means there is a point I’m trying to pass by. Yes, I want to share all the best and worst memories we could carry with us this year. 👍/👎

As all of you know the unexpected became expected and for those expected moments became unexpected. Isn’t this too exaggerating?🤷 I don’t think so, because we all had plans ahead for our 2020 be it adults, teens and even small kiddos. But, sometimes we should understand that it is not us who control the time, but someone mighty above us who does it.

For 2020, we heard a lot of sorrow, tears, breakdown, loss and more uncomfortable feelings😔 because of the deadly virus, coronavirus 🦠also known as Covid-19. It began to rule the globe beginning March and as soon this was published in social medias, newspapers, through ear and ear, all the countries, governments decided to control the spread of this deadly virus and they came up with a plan of #stayathome🏠, #workfromhome💻📱, #onlineclassfromhome📒📈 and more hashtags has been spreading in social media. Beginning of this new journey, we felt elated about doing everything through the Internet, but as soon as 1 month became 3 months of staying at home, we began to feel depressed, confused, headache and more. We couldn’t control the experience of learning, working from the Internet. 

It is sad to hear, but let’s take a moment to think for those who have been victims to the deadly virus. Even Though using the Internet was a headache for us now, just imagine for those who admit themselves in hospital, going through various tests, being stuck with tubes, isn’t that more of a story we should pay attention to?  We didn’t ask for both, staying at home for months nor being tested like a food supplement in hospitals. But, it did happen.🏥😷

Things became worse everywhere, millions of lives were gone, people lost their job, the survival rate in every country was extremely down, but we didn’t give up, did we? We fought back. Individuality was shown off first💪, but what did we learn by doing this on our own instead to fight this deadly virus, everyone began to fight this together🤝. A lot of frontliners came forward to risk their lives for us. Governments did their best to provide enough food supplies. That's what I would call teamwork. 

But, the fight is not over yet☝️. Even Though bringing a vaccine 💉for cure, we should hope for the best that it does not give away any side effects. If it is meant to fight further against the virus, then we should fight. We should not find a shortcut to win. If God wants us to suffer for all the bad deeds we committed, then let’s suffer don’t win it easily or if bringing the vaccine can find a cure, let’s take this as a yes from the Mighty to help us out of this suffocation and also a reminder not to commit our bad deeds again. 

That’s all from me and I hope this blog was not too serious, but it gives away information. May everyone stay at home because we are not done in fighting with this virus, so be safe and look up for your health and also for those around us. Do not count in religions, race and more selfish thoughts. Thank you. Share this if you find it informative and effective.🙏🤗

Thursday, October 22, 2020



Hi friends. Welcome back to my blog page and I’m sorry for not updating anything here for the past 3 months because I was looking for content to post in my blog. I hope this pandemic has never consumed you into boredom🤗 and makes sure to be safe and healthy. Anyways, I’m back with another interesting story, but this time it is not something related to fun facts instead a story that melts my heart.  ❤️😭

I received an amazing email from my mother regarding a lioness and baby baboon. I was not interested in reading that because I assumed it would be about the lioness attacking the baby baboon. For a while the email was just kept in my inbox and by the evening I decided to take the courage💪 to read the article but I could not believe my eyes on what I was reading. The story was touching and it could relate ourselves in it and at that moment I decided it would be a great content to put it here and state something vital.

Before really touching on why I’m here, I wish to recite the story. Wildlife photographer, Evan Schiller and his wife Lisa Holzwarth experienced a baby baboon running for its life from a lioness which was fierce, hungry and delighted on looking at its prey. As it was a baby baboon, it could not run as fast as the mother baboon, but it tried its best to climb a tree nearby when the lioness was already beside it looking at the baby baboon. 

Fright has consumed the baboon, but to our surprise the lioness did not eat or attack the baby baboon instead it looked at it with pity and decided to protect the baby baboon from other predators. Isn’t it shocking? I felt curious about what is going to happen and the next plot really made me tear down. The lioness protected the baby baboon by settling it in front of its two legs and giving it hope that no other predator could touch it “as a mother lion protecting its cub from evil.’’👩‍👧‍👧 What can we conclude here? 

We can say that the lioness is caring, but that is not the exact feeling the baby baboon showed because it was still frightened. A moment later, the baby baboon felt safe and it cuddled the lioness just like how “it would cuddle its mother’’. Isn’t that sweet to hear? A predator should be eating its prey, but here it was in reverse. The lioness kept its position just like a mother to protect the baby baboon which got separated from its mother and even chased away other lions which tried to attack the baby baboon. 

I conclude this story by saying that nowadays we all can’t find true love in our loved ones, but being a wild animal the lioness could show some sympathy towards the baby baboon. We currently live in a world where adopted mothers or caretakers abuse and hurt their childrens who are supposed to be their responsibility. This is because only our birth mother can ever show us love, care, sympathy and give us the protection that we need. In this story, the lioness is not the birth mother to the baboon, but it showed a true love a mother could give. That is the major difference we could find between human and animal.

I feel this story could be related to my readers because you can’t find someone like your mother. Give a moment to think if there is someone else trying to replace your mother, would that person be like the lioness? If no, appreciate your mother for her love and not only mother, fathers are also a part in our life for us to appreciate. I hope this story really brings an impact for us to change on the way we behave and treat our parents. Thank you and if you like this blog, please do like, share, comment and follow my blog only if you are interested 🙂 Have a nice day.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Adventure time🤠🥳

Good morning fellow friends. I am back with another blog and I'm sure this blog is going to give all of you a thought to take a break from your quarantine moments, lockdown experience, mental health and etc. My topic is not going to be boring instaed it's going to be fun just like us spending our moments with fun adventures 😊 Yes, it's about amazing adventures you could experience once this pandemic leaves us completely 👍
I found these interesting to share with all of you because, who does not really like adventures? Well if there is one in this world, I probably feel you should try this amazing adventures. There are 11 Amazing Adventures Around The World that I have gathered for you to try and experience the exciting feel once the lockdown is completely lifted. So, what we waiting for,  lets dive into it:

{1} Sky Diving
     • an experience to feel the breeze and blue sky

{2} High Mountain Trail
     • put your strength in together to view the beauty of mother nature❤️

{3} Cage Diving With Sharks🦈
      • don't be afraid, take this risk to go beyond fun

{4} Ice Climbing
      • chilly experience and cold air can lift up your stressful mind

{5} Bungee Jump
      •😂, not everyone is afraid, but there are some who faints

{6} Swimming With Whale Sharks
       • they are harmless therefore it's easy to swim unless you are trained well in swimming 😉
{7} Rock Climbing 🧗
      • it's more like an activity to test your strength, but try it some where high to feel the excitement
{8} Hang Gliding
     • similar to sky diving, you get to experience the breeze and blue sky      
     • only to start from the cliff then the high you go

{9} Sleep Under The Northern Lights
      • the lights are blinding 
      • a moment to get a good photography 📷

{10} Zip Line Over Niagara Falls
        • the beauty of this Falls can never be explained through words except experience

{11} Camp In Antarctica🌬️
        • the coldest place you can set a camp, but you would be amazed with its beauty
There you go freinds, 11 Amazing Adventures Around The World for you to try and feel the excitement... No one would say no to this adventures, but for now we must stay close enough to reduce the spread of Covid-19. Hope everyone be safe and follow the rules that has been implant by our Government. Thank you and if you like this blog, please do like, share, comment and follow my blog only if you are interested 🙂 Have a nice day.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

Good afternoon friends. I guess it has been quite late for me to start this blog, but as I always say I would never forget in giving all of you the fun facts. With that said, I'm here today with an interesting blog about something that we are attached with. Something that we might miss if we are far or sometimes it's best approached as FAMILY!! 
Yes, family is not something instead they are someone 😊. Everyone says a family is consists of father, mother, siblings, grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousins. But according to me, I only consider my parents and sibling as my family. Isn't that too much to say, but I'm all fine to share this thought with my readers😁

Well getting back to the topic, I have something to say before I really dive into the main gist. Family is  known as the best therapy for all your ups and downs. When I say therapy do not expect they give you a massage, but they give you love, care, support, possiblity and etc. They hold you just like the soil that holds a plant, therefore you won't fall for the wrong deeds. They also sacrifices their happiness to see us happy. They also hide their sorrows, so we should not feel the pain too. Isn't that touching😥 

I'm here today as a person to share fun facts with all of you because of the motivation my family gave me to persuade this blog, therefore let's learn the "8 Ways To Show Appreciation To Your Family."
*Remember you could include anyone as your family ❤️

Let's dive into it:-
(1) Cook them a delicious, healthy meal
      • a meal that says you appreciate them from bottom of your heart 
      • a meal that they like the most 
(2) Help around the house
      • they would need help with their daily chores, but they won't ask you
      • you should be able to understand what they need🤗
(3) Spend time with them 
      • during this Covid-19, I guess all of you would have spend time with your family
     • try to do that more often

(4) Share a fond memory with them
      • maybe a photograph to remind you of the moments
      • always keep them to cherish the happy days

(5) Tell them how you feel
       • a little story time to share your feelings with them
       • it makes them better from the sorrows

(6) Play a game together
      • a game that you played with them once upon time[ before you grew big ]
      • a game that takes a long time to finish, therefore you get to share their smile

(7) Surprise them with their favourite desserts
     • they do what you ask and now it's your turn to give the better presentation on their favourite desserts
(8) Thank them
      • maybe by thanking them will not heal some pain, but it could dress the wounds
      • always hug and kiss them to show your love and the way of thanking them

Here you go friends. Those who have been stuck with an idea to appreciate your parents, maybe this could make you start it with no hesitation. Feel free to show them love because they are your first love and no one else could exchange that place. Love your family and always appreciate them till the end. If you like today's blog, please do like, share and comment in the section below. I have made few changes in the settings for all my readers to comment and one last thing is if you are interested in my blogs, do follow me only if you are interested. Thank you 💕❤️💕

Friday, June 12, 2020

Are you in love?❤️

Good morning fellow friends. I guess it has been quite sometime for me to post something, but I have always been there to give away an interesting topic to all of you. With that said, I hope everyone is doing fine and my warm regards to those who resume work and hope everything happens in the right way. Today's topic is not what I'm going to share based on my experience, but it's going to be you to decide if this has been your experience! Well, if you know from the topic that means you are aware of my question 😁.

I guess this world is filled with something called "love". Have you heard of it? It's a common thing, where you are in love with your parents for their care or you are in love with "someone special" who treats you as the best person or maybe a love for your pet. Anything suits the situation, but here I'm going to ask if you have ever felt the glimpse of falling in love with someone? Sometimes you say "yes" or maybe "no", but what makes you decide the answer? If you are confused to know, than I'm there to help you! My topic is to share about "11 Surprising Signs That Prove You're In Love" ❤️💕
Without further do, let's dive into it:

1) You can't stop staring at them🧐
2) You feel like you're high [high with love, not alcohol] 😆
3) You always think about them🤔
4) You want them to be happy 🤗
5) You have been stressed lately 🤯
6) You love their quirks
7) You obsessively check your phone every 10 seconds
8) Everything reminds you of them🧑👩
9) You find yourself always talking about them
10) Your appetite shrinks [it gives you butterflies]🦋
11) You get defensive when someone is negative about them 😤

This are the 11 signs that helps you to decide if you're in love
If yes, please do share with me if any of this signs has happened to you or if the answer is opposite, just wait for the right moment 😉 It's no wrong if you haven't find one, waiting for the best partner can give you happiness till the end. Last but not at least, if you like today's blog please do like, share and comment below. I'm just waiting for the love you guys share with me through the blog. Thank you and have a nice day

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Multitask like a pro 😉

Good morning friends. I hope all of you are doing good and I wish the day to start happy. Today will be another Thursday blog and I'm here with a new topic about how do you multitask? I'm aware that all of you know what is multitasking, you could handle more than one thing at a time. Have you ever tried? From my suggestion, I have never take the risk because it sounds terrific and horrible, but that does not mean I should not give a try, isn't it. The best experience is to try and that is how you give a review about it. Therefore, multitasking sounds hard, but I'm gonna make it easy by sharing 7 effective ways to multitask like a pro. If you think you are capable of multitasking, than don't delay your moment try this 7 ways to make your job easy and simple.

(1) Work on one thing at a time, but ALTERNATE
      * alternate between 2 taks by working on one at a time

(2) Layer the right kinds of tasks together
      * layering tasks with other complementing tasks
      •example: do your laundry while listening to music🎶
(3) Keep a list of tasks with you
      * have a to-do list
      * keeping a list of tasks with you is a handy way to track your progress

(4) Limit yourself to only 2 big tasks at once
     * work on only 2 high- priority tasks at a time
     * begin with the ones that have the earliest deadlines

(5) Say goodbye👋 to distraction
      * only the work essentials should be on your WORKBOARD
      * mute, silence and eliminate all distraction

(6) Allow for extra time
      * give yourself to wiggle room to complete them

      * multitask only when you're at your most alert
      * SCHEDULE a short 5- minute BREAK!!

Hope this might help all of you to multitask like a pro 😁. Have a great day ahead and see you'll back with another blog next week. And yes, if you are interested in this blog leave a comment down👇 and that really makes me feel happy. Take care and stay safe. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Feel good always

Good morning friends. Today will be another Thursday of the month and I'm back with another blog. So, how are you guys doing after this MCO with SOP's has been introduced in our country? Good? Well I don't think all feel the same way because I don't neither😁. Anyways, it is the government's decision and we have to obey it. Without further exaggeration about the government decisions, I'm here to share about how to feel good in 7 ways to prevent your mental health from being bored and upset. I'm aware that I have shared about mental affected health in my last blog, but today's blog is not to touch your mental health directly, but to help the emotion state to be good.

Therefore, let's dive into the 7 ways to feel good:

[1] Never criticise yourself
      • Don't advertise your faults instead speak well of yourself.

[2] Separate your behaviour from yourself
      • When you make a mistake be sure to say, "I made a mistake" and not "I am a mistake".
      • Don't hurt your feelings from your act.

[3] Give more compliments
      • Start a healthy relationship by complementing someone, therefore you feel good about that person.

[4] Accept compliments
      • Receive others' compliments as a gift
      • You might make the person happy if you accept the compliments and you might also be the reason for their happiness on that day😉

[5] Continually play movies in your mind of how you want to be
     • If you repeatedly play movies of yourself as confident, happy, and successful, you will become more like that.
*Try to be like Mother Teresa(think positive)
[6] Get good ideas everyday
     •We feel happy and productive on doing something good and it makes us feel overwhelmed about our day.

[7] Spend time with positive people
     *Very important 😊
     • Positive people makes you feel good.
     *Family is the best positive people❤️
  *Or friends could be positive too🤗

Well friends this are the 7 ways to feel good and to start your day ahead. I'm sure if you try this 7 ways it might change your inner thought about being positive, strong and good. Till than, I will be back for another blog next week and hope to see how you guys share this blog and leave a comment down. Thank you for the support and love. See ya💕

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Quarantine Survival

Good morning fellow friends. Today will be Thursday and right before that, I will like to wish a Happy Wesak Day to my Buddhism friends out there. As you guys know I am back with another blog today. We are still in the same circle which is, Lockdown, but the Malaysian Government has decided to set free for this lockdown at the moment starting May 4. Eventhough it has been set free, still some of us are under the pressure, but do you know what it is? Some of you are not able to say if you are mentally affected or not, therefore today's blog will be there to support your questions. I'm here to share with all of you about the "6 Signs Your Mental Health Is Being Affected By The Quarantine"

Let's dive into it:🤗
{1} You feel great loneliness
     • You are lack of physical intimacy
     * It's not wrong to be lonely for a moment, but do not include that as an activity. Try to find help

{2} You experience symptoms of anxiety
     • Reading news about death and Covid-19, may increase paranoia
     •Take sometime to manage your news intake
      * Every genre of news needs break

{3} You are demotivated and don't feel like doing anything productive 
     • Forcing to do a productive thing is not going to mend your mental health
     • Start small by tidying up your room
     • Create a to-do list
     • Be motivated by someone

{4} You are exhausted by your emotional quota
     • Having low moods for a long period of time can lead to sadness, so avoid it
     • Mitigate your blue feelings by keeping yourself occupied with healthy actions
     • Cheer yourself, "I'm fine"

{5} There is an increased use of substance
      • It can trigger feelings of depression and hopelessness
     • Engage in healthy and relaxing activities to keep your stress at bay
     • Reduce caffeine drinks, coffee or tea and avoid alcohol

{6} You are not getting enough sleep
       • Sleeping in mid-morning and getting up in the afternoon, disturbs your sleeping pattern
      *Research says that prolonged insomnia can lead to mood irritability, depression, as well as physical health defects. 

Well this is my help for those of you who really need help during this horrible pandemic. I would like to say that start your day with something positive, therefore it gives a better result for the rest of your day. Stay strong and healthy. Let's hope for the best. Thank you for reading this till the end and I really will appreciate if you guys read this, share it with your beloved one's and leave a comment down. Have a nice day.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Quarantine moments

Good morning friends. It has been a long time since I updated my blog and today will be a new blog for the month April. I know it has been a hard situation for all to obey this lockdown due to Covid-19 that has been spreading very fast around the world, but we have to do it together to break the chain of the disease, therefore we can always create a new world. Today's blog is something to do about the quarantine moments at home. Everyone has been bored in doing the same thing at home, so I have decided to share some cool things that you can do at home to feel calm and relaxed during this pandemic.

Here are the 34 FUN THINGS you can do at home aside from sleeping:-
{A} Watch something
1) Marathon a movie franchise:
     •Marvel Cinematic Universe
     •Star Wars
     • Harry Potter
     • Lord Of The Rings
2) Watch Parasite, the 4 time Academy Award Winning Film
3) Sink your teeth into some documentaries
      •Blue Planet ||
4) Binge-watch everyone's latest obsession
      •Money Heist
5) Attend a virtual concert
      • Beyonce's full Coachella performance

{B} Play something
6) Immerse yourself in some cool video games
       • Five Nights of Freddy's
7) Play a choice-based games
       • Fantastical Blackstone Academy Of The Magical Arts
8) Hang out with laptop games
       • Smash up
       • Cards Against Humanity
9) Go crazy with role-playing games
  *HORROR • Bluebeard's Bride

{C} Read something
10) Finish a book series
11) Brush up on your classics
       • Romeo and Juliet
12) Read a non-fiction book
       • The Diary Of A Young Girl
13) Get into comics

{D} Write something
14) Start a journal
15) Write a novel
16) Write your own game
17) Start a personal blog
 *If there is no idea, write a review about a favourite film

{E} Cook something
18) Brew some dalgona coffee
*As it became the famous drink during this pandemic
19) Bake something
       • Lava cake
20) Recreate your favourite takeouts

{F} Pick up something new
21) Learn calligraphy
22) Pick up sewing and embroidery
23) Learn a musical instrument
24) Start gardening
25) Make your own furniture
26) Draw or paint
27) Make your own diorama
* Meaning: a model representing a scene with 3D figures
      • doll houses
      • ocean or forest

{G} Self-improvement
28) Take a language class 
     • Spanish
     • French
     • German
29) Improve your technical skills
30) Enrol for an online finance class
     • Why Didn't They Teach Me This In School

{H} Spring clean 
31) Redecorate your house
32) Reorganize your wardrobe
33) Clean your emails

34) Donate to the vulnerable

Here you go freinds. This are some of the cool ideas I can share with you during this pandemic. Hope you enjoy this fun things and don't forget to try it at home and always stay positive and pray for everyone's health and safety. Have a great week ahead, hope to share more interesting things with you'll. And don't forget to share with your beloved one's and yes, leave a comment if you enjoy reading my blog. Thank you.

Writing is self-discovery and reading is a fantasy 📖+🖋️=❤️😍

Hey there everyone. Welcome back to my blog and hope the day seems as you wish. I’m back again with another blog to share today with all you...