Thursday, March 19, 2020


Good morning dear friends, I hope all of you are doing your best at home during this Covid-19 breakout. I'm also glad to here that our government has given us 2 weeks to stay safe in our homes and I would call this a good idea to prevent further loss in human race. Currently, the entire globe has been suffering with this virus which is still unpredictable and yes, the medical field is working so hard to find a cure. At the same time, I have come here to be very gentle and kind to spread positivity during this massive disaster. As you guys know, we are suffering due to fear compare to the loss of human race. I really don't understand why you should let fear control yourself when you can take self-precaution at home? If you know, that is my topic for today's blog to help most of you out there to look at yourself through out this breakout. Without further do, let me help you with it:

What is home care? Home care is where you spent your days at home keeping yourself healthy, clean and well maintained. During this breakout at home, government has put an order to work at home, but is that all? No, you still can find some time for yourself to treat you better. You have 24 hours a day and imagine you working only 5 hours and the rest of the day do something to prevent from being infected. For example, drink plenty of water as it would keep your body free from dehydration, wash your hands before and after meal and also after using the loo. Be smart to act smart.

I'm not appreciating this move, but we do not have choice. I don't like to stay away from my parents and sibling, but this virus can be transmitted into a significant through touch/contact. You do like hugging your family, pets and friends. In this case, we can't do that as it is a danger for us and also the people around us. We have to maintain distance with everyone and try not to shake anyone's hands therefore just go with the formal way to greet someone, "Hello". Besides, try not to sit beside a significant for your dinner, lunch or meeting as it could transmit also, so stay away to prevent further loss.

Everyone has to be in a state to beg God to help us from this disaster. We believe that it would take time to find a cure, but we can't depend for proper medication and lose more life. The only way to do something permanent is pray for everyone's health and yes ask God that we should find a cure as soon as possible. I don't blame that we could not find a cure yet because this is an unknown virus and it will take time to identify the right medication. Therefore, pray as much as you can and do not be selfish only for yourself and pray for others too. Keep away your ego, racisms, anger or grudge and pray for everyone. Learn to respect the human race.

I would like to say thanks to our government and also the other country's who are taking vital steps to find a cure. During this breakout, learn to spend time with your family also. Have a nice day and stay safe.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Good morning everyone and yes I'm back again for my Tuesday blog and today's blog may sound very interesting as we all love to do this particular act on someone or something. I'm here to share how do we throw a surprise on someone? We all are very precise about throwing a surprise, but have we been kind enough to throw an amazing surprise on someone? I don't think anyone understands me, because what I'm trying to convey is we have not been gentle with the surprise we are giving someone. We somehow hurt them physically or mentally. This isn't surprise, but it is kind of self-satisfaction for the person who is throwing a surprise. A surprise should be with full of kindness, love and happiness. Don't have hatred on someone and show it out with the name SURPRISE!! Well I'm not trying to be boring, so let me share on what do we surprise a person on, for whom we throw a surprise and the purpose of throwing a surprise. Let's dive into the topic:

Firstly, we have variety of ways to surprise someone. We either can be logical or creative, but most people go for the point of creative. Well I do also love creative stuff and besides, you can surprise someone based on a specific category such as gifts, prank and etc. It depends on the way you are trying to express your happy feeling to the individual. Add on, playing a prank should also be both creative and logical too, therefore we would not make any drastic mistake.

This is the best part because you will know the special person you are trying to throw a surprise on. It could be your parents, siblings, relatives, loved ones, friends or even your loving pets. Remember when you do a surprise for someone dearly, please be aware of their interest and health problems. You do not want to give a heart attack to your grandmother for her 85th birthday. Just kidding.

When you are doing something very huge, you should know your purpose or aim of doing that particular act. In this case surprise also need a purpose because you need a reason to support your action. We normally throw surprise on someone's birthday, an anniversary, for a success or even Family day. It is lovely when you see that particular person being speechless on the surprise you throw and they could only express it through hugs and kisses. You may be someone's happiness on that day.

Here you go my dear friends. If you had a dilemma on how a surprise is done with no harm, maybe you should follow this cute steps of leading you to the right surprise. If you haven't throw a surprise please don't waste extra time and quickly throw a beautiful surprise now. Have a wonderful day and I will always keep you guys updated on my blog. Thank you and be safe.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Happy Holidays

A very Good Morning everyone. I hope all of you are doing good and yes, the case on the new Covid-19 has increase in our country and I solemnly pray for all to be safe and always play a vital role to look after yourself and your loved ones. Without further do, my blog is going to be interesting today, but not all of us are going to enjoy it because of quarantine, self-care and home zoned. My topic is regarding Holiday Season as the spring break is on it's way for school students. We call it the March break, but I don't think anyone is expecting to go out. Somehow, I need to play the role of updating my blog, therefore I'm going to share 7 Cheap Ways To Have Fun This Holiday Season. Everyone loves holiday, so am I, but how is it possible to go for holidays during this break down? I agree, we can plan for a holiday if this virus finds its cure as soon as possible. Here are my 7 cheap ways:

  1. Set up movie nights{with some popcorns, ice cream and cozy blankets}
  2. Go on mini road trips{not to far, but somewhere peace is}
  3. Check out local events/bazaars
  4. Look out for places with free admission(Museum and Art Gallery, National Art Gallery}
  5. Play tourist in your own city{if we are not allowed to bring tourists from other countries}
  6. Learn to make local arts and crafts
  7. Play board games{chess, monopoly, snake and ladder}

This are my 7 cheap ways to enjoy your holidays. Some looks easy for us to set it in our home and maybe some of you can follow this. Remember everyone we are not totally zoned by the government yet, but we could try some of this before we are zoned. Once again I wish all of you to look after yourself, be clean, sanitize yourself, take early precaution and most importantly avoid travelling. I wish to remind this everyday and no matter you are immune or not it is still not safe to be out there with this dangerous virus. Be aware of things around you and always remind yourself to be hygienic. Thank you and yes please like, share this blog because your support is what I love so much.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Clutter-free roomπŸ˜‰

Good morning and Happy Tuesday everyone. Do you know what is special today? Today is World's Awesome Day. On this day, compliment someone that they look awesome, no matter it is your parents, siblings, relatives, friends or even your pet. Always learn to be kind and compliment others. Well keep that a side and I have come today to share with all of you about keeping your room clutter-free. What is clutter-free? It means to remove excessive possessions that are stealing live, time and energy. But I'm going to explain the depth about a clutter-free room. A room is where we spend the time most and imagine if it takes a lot of place for your clothes, books and papers? That is the reason I'm here to give away 8 efficient ways to keep your room clutter-free. We need a relaxed and calmed room instead of having a messy room. Just kidding. Well not wasting your time, here we go:

  1. Use the four-box method (KEEP, GIVE AWAY, RELOCATE AND TRASH)
  2. Commit yourself to tidy up
  3. Don't be dragged into the nostalgia doom
  4. Tidy up category instead of location
  5. Tidy smart
  6. Don't buy things you don't need
  7. Clean and tidy up regularly
  8. Get rid of freebies (Don't keep things you don't need it will be helpful to donate them)
Here you go dear friends. With this 8 ways I don't think the room will be clutter-free if, you pay attention to what you like. If you like your room go with this efficient way to keep it clean or if you like you kitchen or living room, do the same. Make sure do what you like. Thank you for reading and I hope I will get back soon to all of you with another amazing blog. Have a nice day and yes, Happy Awesome Day to everyone out there. Please do like, share and comment, I would really appreciate your kindness and love.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Weak to strong

Hey everyone, Good morning. Today I'm going to share something very important to all of us and how should we take this topic very vital in our life. Before I go further, I would like to say sorry because this topic might lead some to emotional breakdowns, some may feel annoying or some may even think why should I follow? Dear readers, this is not a must. You may have different thoughts and I may have different thoughts, but trying something new is always the best. Without further do, I will like to share 6 ways to transform painful failure into a strong success. What is failure? What is success? Sometimes we don't even understand the depth of failure or success. For an example, some can say, "my biggest failure is when I was not able to understand my betrayers". Besides, "my first failure is I have ever gone through is not taking the PSAT test". In different ways, we can express success like, "I call my success by growing up in an amazing family" or " I will say that my success is being surrounded by God". We can relate failure and success to a person, an object or the emotion. Therefore my blog is to help people out there to overcome their horrible failure to a success. Here are those 6 ways to change failures to success:

  1. Aim for progress, not perfection. This point really means that you are having a failure, but you don't want the failure to consume you, therefore you try something to get rid of it. When you do something like this, please do not put perfection first in your list because if you want to do things with perfection, then you would feel that your life is being more controlled with the things around you such as, work, education and many more. Feel free to do your stuff and in this case you will see a progress{a good result} and it will definitely make you feel happy.
  2. Engage in some self-reflection. Self- reflection can help you to find your mistakes. This is because, it helps you to list down your weakness and strength. It also tell about your capability in doing something and this will give you an energy to do more things with patience, peace and calmness. Almost all of us have a failure because we failure to engage with ourselves instead finding a different person and trying to copy their trait. Everything starts within us. So, always put yourself in first before following others foot steps.
  3. Get the support you need. Yes, support is very important for one. Why do we need support when we have a psychiatrist! Here is the problem with us. People who are rich enough are able to release their pain with a psychiatrist, but what about the poor? We can't find a better support like our family in the outside world. Trust me in this, because a family's comfort, motivation and their hugs and kisses can cure the biggest fear in us. A failure starts with emotion{crying, cussing, revenge}, but that same failure can be a success if our family is always there to motivate us. They will scold you for your mistakes, but bare in mind that we wanted to fall out the cliff, but they dragged us out from the ugly mess. Please consider family as your pillar and back bone.
  4. Allow yourself to let go. This might sound familiar because when we want to head success and get rid of our failure, we should learn to forget the failure. Rest your mind and soul and always remind yourself that "I'm okay". This should work like a mantra because you won't feel down or those failures will not taunt you. Remember the best way to let it go is ignore the matter if you are smart and only weak people seek revenge. Take some issues serious to negotiate, but if the opposite person refuse and being sarcastic, just walk away.
  5. Failure can be the best teacher. We learn from our mistakes in exams same goes here, failure teaches you the important thing in life, " Do not repeat your mistake". When you know that your friendship is toxic, stay out of it. Don't feel down that people might judge on you for taking your decision because everyone faces different kind of scenario.
  6. Strengthen your believe in God. I really do like this way because God always shows you the best way to lead a successful life and at the same time God makes you take a choice in your life therefore you don't make a mistake in future. God is there for you when you understand his presence. We pray for better health, good education, suitable job, a happy family and yes always pray for others need and this may help you from bad sight. Don't ask this question, " Is there God? ", but learn to ask " How would I be if there is no presences of God? ". Learn to understand that we are not naturally gifted to our parents, it's God's idea of giving us a family. Do not neglect God.
Thank you everyone and yes if you made it until the last way to transform failure to success, then I hope you would try some of this. Don't worry, everyone has their story to share, but they feel unsaved, therefore you can feel free to use all this 6 ways to transform your painful failure into a strong success.  Have a good and energetic day. Stay safe and be there for your loved ones.


Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The risky foods

Good morning my friends. Today my blog is going to be about food, food and more food because I have came up here to share with all of you about the 10 DANGEROUS foods for our brain. You know our brain is very precious because it helps us to think, gives signals to prevent danger and more. Therefore, we have to look after the brain even though it is the size of our fist. Without further do, I will like to jump straight into my topic. Besides, if you guys are interested in my blog please do like, share, comment and don't hesitate to share your thoughts in the comment section. Thank you.

First and for most, everyone would like to know why is my blog very related to self care such as, pushing away boredom, being active on Monday mornings and now about our brain. I would like to say why because in this busy schedule we don't have much time to look after ourselves and intend to be ill, stressful and weak. Think me as a guide to move all your problems and I love sharing good things to my beloved ones. Enjoy and understand the depth of this dangerous foods:

  1. White rice{contains a lot of starch, sugar and it makes one feel lazy}
  2. Fast food{oily, over coated and definitely dangerous}
  3. Alcohol{a little amount can do better to relieve depressant, but the more causes BRAIN DAMAGE}
  4. Soy sauce
  5. Tuna
  6. Rib-eye steak{avoid it if you are a fan}
  7. Diet sodas
  8. Cured meats
  9. Frozen meals
  10. Store-brought fruit juice

Yes, those are dangerous and don't be afraid if you have been consuming all this for a long time, you can keep a limit on your eating pattern and don't be afraid to consult a good dietician. Besides, always keep yourself fit and steady.


Monday, March 2, 2020

Wake up...

Good morning my dear friends. As you guys know, we find it hard to move our mind and body on a lazy Monday, so am I. Going through different phases, I learnt that I could help myself be productive by doing some interesting hacks to help me out from my dreamland. Dreamland is where we are lost in our sleep, nightmares or even happy dreams, therefore to make an individual feel active and energetic in the morning of your work week or even busy weekends, I have came up here to share 15 hacks to pull all of us out of our dreamland. Some can feel that why should I follow this? Yes, I agree not everyone of us follow certain important things, but maybe trying something new is not going to make someone look fool. Just kidding. I wanted inform earlier about you taking your own choice of to follow or not to follow this 15 hacks. Hope you guys enjoy this blog. Thank you and don't feel shy if you guys want to share any of your interesting ideas with me, therefore I can post a new one based on your facts.

  1. Use a sleep calculator{best time for us to wake up and go to bed}
  2. Draw the curtains before you sleep{not when you have a sibling or a guest staying over}
  3. Use ascending alarm ringtones{3 3 3 3 3}
  4. Drink a big glass of water once you get up
  5. Prepare an exciting breakfast the night before
  6. Take a cold shower
  7. Blast your favorite wake-up songs
  8. Do some stretching
  9. Drink lemon water
  10. Place your alarm clock far away
  11. Consume caffeine, absolutely not coffee
  12. Pump yourself with motivational quotes
  13. Change your alarm ringtone every month
  14. Sing 
    Eat fewer carbs

Writing is self-discovery and reading is a fantasy πŸ“–+πŸ–‹️=❤️😍

Hey there everyone. Welcome back to my blog and hope the day seems as you wish. I’m back again with another blog to share today with all you...