Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Weak to strong

Hey everyone, Good morning. Today I'm going to share something very important to all of us and how should we take this topic very vital in our life. Before I go further, I would like to say sorry because this topic might lead some to emotional breakdowns, some may feel annoying or some may even think why should I follow? Dear readers, this is not a must. You may have different thoughts and I may have different thoughts, but trying something new is always the best. Without further do, I will like to share 6 ways to transform painful failure into a strong success. What is failure? What is success? Sometimes we don't even understand the depth of failure or success. For an example, some can say, "my biggest failure is when I was not able to understand my betrayers". Besides, "my first failure is I have ever gone through is not taking the PSAT test". In different ways, we can express success like, "I call my success by growing up in an amazing family" or " I will say that my success is being surrounded by God". We can relate failure and success to a person, an object or the emotion. Therefore my blog is to help people out there to overcome their horrible failure to a success. Here are those 6 ways to change failures to success:

  1. Aim for progress, not perfection. This point really means that you are having a failure, but you don't want the failure to consume you, therefore you try something to get rid of it. When you do something like this, please do not put perfection first in your list because if you want to do things with perfection, then you would feel that your life is being more controlled with the things around you such as, work, education and many more. Feel free to do your stuff and in this case you will see a progress{a good result} and it will definitely make you feel happy.
  2. Engage in some self-reflection. Self- reflection can help you to find your mistakes. This is because, it helps you to list down your weakness and strength. It also tell about your capability in doing something and this will give you an energy to do more things with patience, peace and calmness. Almost all of us have a failure because we failure to engage with ourselves instead finding a different person and trying to copy their trait. Everything starts within us. So, always put yourself in first before following others foot steps.
  3. Get the support you need. Yes, support is very important for one. Why do we need support when we have a psychiatrist! Here is the problem with us. People who are rich enough are able to release their pain with a psychiatrist, but what about the poor? We can't find a better support like our family in the outside world. Trust me in this, because a family's comfort, motivation and their hugs and kisses can cure the biggest fear in us. A failure starts with emotion{crying, cussing, revenge}, but that same failure can be a success if our family is always there to motivate us. They will scold you for your mistakes, but bare in mind that we wanted to fall out the cliff, but they dragged us out from the ugly mess. Please consider family as your pillar and back bone.
  4. Allow yourself to let go. This might sound familiar because when we want to head success and get rid of our failure, we should learn to forget the failure. Rest your mind and soul and always remind yourself that "I'm okay". This should work like a mantra because you won't feel down or those failures will not taunt you. Remember the best way to let it go is ignore the matter if you are smart and only weak people seek revenge. Take some issues serious to negotiate, but if the opposite person refuse and being sarcastic, just walk away.
  5. Failure can be the best teacher. We learn from our mistakes in exams same goes here, failure teaches you the important thing in life, " Do not repeat your mistake". When you know that your friendship is toxic, stay out of it. Don't feel down that people might judge on you for taking your decision because everyone faces different kind of scenario.
  6. Strengthen your believe in God. I really do like this way because God always shows you the best way to lead a successful life and at the same time God makes you take a choice in your life therefore you don't make a mistake in future. God is there for you when you understand his presence. We pray for better health, good education, suitable job, a happy family and yes always pray for others need and this may help you from bad sight. Don't ask this question, " Is there God? ", but learn to ask " How would I be if there is no presences of God? ". Learn to understand that we are not naturally gifted to our parents, it's God's idea of giving us a family. Do not neglect God.
Thank you everyone and yes if you made it until the last way to transform failure to success, then I hope you would try some of this. Don't worry, everyone has their story to share, but they feel unsaved, therefore you can feel free to use all this 6 ways to transform your painful failure into a strong success.  Have a good and energetic day. Stay safe and be there for your loved ones.


1 comment:

Writing is self-discovery and reading is a fantasy πŸ“–+πŸ–‹️=❤️😍

Hey there everyone. Welcome back to my blog and hope the day seems as you wish. I’m back again with another blog to share today with all you...